Rabu, 01 Mei 2013

Disadvantages of using email to sell

Some sales people think using email to sell everything is the best idea. But the truth it is not. It is not a good idea to replace calls with emails when contacting with a potential client. Some people use email to sell products, to avoid the humiliation of rejection. Also the major disadvantage of taking this approach is that there can be a possibility of not getting an email while awaiting a transaction related to a sales process.

More than seventy five percent of the businesses today have replaced calls with emails, and in the process has lost the personal touch. The reason why businesses do this is that feel awkward to face rejection when speaking directly to the customer. It hurts less to hear a no though an email. Some people get tired of hearing the voicemails repeatedly. They think it's a better idea to switch to emails.

When trying to sell products or services to a new client, it is not possible to gain customer's trust through an email, which makes the foundation of a long-term relationship, weak. Some well to do firms, think that they are recognized in the market but they forget that there are strict spam filters installed, these firms take the risk of sending introductory emails to potential customer. There are very little chances that the customer will receive the email and will read it. But when calling a potential customer, there is a higher probability of the customer receiving the call and all the resources invested will be put good use.

If the company still thinks that sending emails to clients is the best approach, some points should be taken care of. The introductory email contains introduction about the company, brief information about the products and services they offer and information about method of purchase and contact. All the information included in the email should give the impression to the reader that the company is interested in benefiting the customer and not themselves.

The introductory email should sound like it's trying to solve the problems and try to build a strong relationship with the prospective customer. For this the targeted people should be thoroughly studied in order to understand their shortcomings and what wonders they would expect from a particular product. In the first time itself; do not mention that the company and the client is a good match for each other. Sales pitches should be repelled completely.

Don't put the company's name in the heading of the email. When the company's name is included in the heading, the customer gets the impression that profit of the company is its top priority and not interest of the customer. It's a good marketing strategy to include the name of the product being sold, features of the product and how it can solve the problem of the reader. The subject should tell it all, and should also catch the attention in the first glance itself.

Its best to start emailing the customer after the foundation of a strong long-term relationship is laid first. At first the customers should be personally approached. Later when the customer's trust is gained, further dealings can be done through emails. Emails should only act as a back up method of communicating. Take care that word like "we" should be avoided and replaced with the word "you". The customer feels that he is being directly referred too.

There should be no negativity in the matter. This sets the mind of the customer in a negative mood and he will actually get the opposite message. For example, instead of writing 'We don't sell low quality products', write 'We sell high quality products'. Don't condition the customer. This creates a pressure on the customer and they will start to avoid any calls and emails from the company.

Emails can be used during difficult times. Suppose some soreness erupted between the parties or at least from the side of the customer, emails written with polite and gentle words can melt the toughness and can open up good terms again. The best thing is to stop using email as the only way of communicating, completely. Companies that directly reach out to clients reflect higher level of confidence and create a good impression on new customers.


Anonymous Visitor Marketing

Anonymous visitor marketing or anonymous user marketing is nothing but changing the content of the website according to the taste of the visitor and thus making the information more relevant. Some kind of data is attached with each user known as metadata or supplemental data that is similar to human sensory nerves and gives an idea about how to react to the approaching person.

Metadata or supplemental data consists of information like the geographic location, IP address, browser languages like English, Chinese, German, etc., and also information about domain extension like .edu, .gov, .mil, etc., internet connection speed, operating system, search keyword or sentence, referring URL and screen resolution.

Graphical location tells about the approximate address of the visitor. By this information, the server can search and display information which is specific for the people of that location. Information like climate, temperature, local happening, and time can be displayed accurately. 

IP address or Internet protocol address gives idea of the specific Internet service, company the person is related to. If belonging to an Internet provider the web page displays the speed of the connection and if related to a specific company the website displays the name and logo of the company.

A web page can be formatted in different languages. By analyzing the browser language, the visitor can be can be served with a web page which is easy for him to understand and the visitor is made to feel that the website is centered on his mother tongue which will make him more comfortable.

Different organizations and different sectors have different domain extensions. A website with a .gov extension means that its a government website and a website with .edu extension refers to an educational organization. So the content of the webpage can be changed according to the organization the visitor is related to.

Depending on the Internet connection speed if there are any multimedia downloads the size of downloads can also be managed. There will be different resolution versions of a particular download and if the speed is low, multimedia with the lowest resolution will be downloaded to the visitor's temporary Internet files. This will not interrupt the normal working of the computer.

Different operating systems have different requirements and their functionality also varies. Some websites provide downloadable software and updates which will not be compatible with all kinds of operating systems. These limitations can be determined without interrupting the user.

Search keyword or sentence can be utilized to apply search engine optimization techniques or SEO techniques to the website to make the matter more relevant. Linking data to a specific keyword, which is displayed automatically making the visitor feel that his query was dealt with effectively, does this. 

Referring URL helps the sponsor to compare data with that of the previous page and bring it on the present page. This increases the competition between the websites, the present website will try to prove to be better than the previous website.

If the visitor is surfing the Internet with his hand held device or mobile, the content of the website is trimmed to fit the screen resolution of the device. If the amount of data that is viewed on a normal monitor is displayed over the hand held device, the data will overlap with each other and the content won't be readable.